Volt Merch Website (Volt Europa)

The new merchandise overview page of Volt Europa: It provides a better overview of existing merchandise shops and allows local Volt chapters, such as Volt Deutschland, to be linked.

In 2023 I had the idea to create a new merchandise overview page for Volt Europa. At that time, there were several merch shops, some of which were not linked to each other, so the situation was quite confusing. The solution was a new overview page on which all shops offering Volt merch would be linked. This page could then be linked everywhere so that interested parties, members and merch fans could easily find the items they wanted.

The realisation was coordinated with the Volt Europa's General-Secreatry Office. I was able to create the website from concept to design and final development. Many thanks to Volt Europa for the opportunity to create this site for you!


E3D Print


Volt Violet